I was born in Huanuco - Peru in 1967, my parents Darlan Retiz Cabezudo Perez Bedoya and Rita, none of them devoted to art but with enough sensitivity to appreciate works, studied a year in art school \"Gutierrez Servulo\" de-ICA - PERU but was interrupted by family commitments, then I submitting in decoration of schools, then decorate with murals in several churches in Huanuco, I am practically self-taught, I now dedicate myself to do custom work (portraits, landscapes, religious paintings and others) I am a member of the ASSOCIATION of artists from HUANUCO \"FLOREZ RICARDO\" trying to excel in this wonderful art, also supporting children and young people in what is drawing and painting and being in this website that unconditionally and invited us to be thankful, that I will learn more and succeed with all these people who need an art school. MANY THANKS.